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Explore your curiosity

What's it all about?

Silent Connections offers an innovative, fun and playful way to meet new people and explore romantic connections without the use of words.

Treat yourself to an exciting evening with like-minded people. The flow of the night begins with a series of warm-up exercises followed by a sequence of carefully crafted games followed by music, refreshments and hanging out at the end.


“A surprising & intimate way to meet new people.”

— Kathleen Mae —


Vancouver (????)
Nina, Erica & Naomi

The Host


What Can I Expect At An Event?

Expect the unexpected. Our events are warm, welcoming and friendly, and there is an element of surprise and intrigue. It’s an opportunity to expand your comfort zone in a safe way. Treat yourself to a new experience and prepare to be delighted.

What Time Should I Arrive?

Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to settle in. We’ll aim to start at 7:00 pm.

What If I Get Nervous?

We aim to create a safe and welcoming experience for our gatherings. We hold a space of non-judgement and acceptance. Our hosts will guide you through the night, so all you need to do is keep an open mind. Our events are designed to improve confidence, so if you’re feeling a bit nervous, feel free to reach out. We’re happy to offer coaching and support at any time.

Sound Of Silence


Personal Relational Coaching

Together we bring awareness to what’s holding you back from thriving in relationship. As we work through the program, you’ll begin to experience your dating life in a radically new way.


From The Blog

It’s Silent, But people are still talking…

Would recommend this to any of my single friends, and would encourage everyone to give this evening a go! You might be surprised how much you'd enjoy connecting with others in a non-verbal way.

RebeccaAuckland, New Zealand

Thank you for such a beautiful night! I really loved the whole evening and thought it went amazing. The exercises beforehand (as a group) were great and really helped me feel grounded and settled into the space.

PerriAuckland, New Zealand

Loved the opportunity to be totally present with someone in the soul gazing and other activities...the music was appropriate too, loved it all! I even met someone who appears to be as engaged in me as I am in her, and we've got a date planned this Friday 🙂

JonAuckland, New Zealand
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